Whispering Slim .Com >>Newcastle
Oot on The Toon//
BON VOYAGE>> National Express Website+Coach Card+any uk destination just 10 pounds Return Or jump on a Virgin Pendelino train book 2 weeks in advance for best price why not? Newcastle has New York style Subway jump 2 Whitley Bay and do some surfin! BA Courier Flights Tel: 0870 606 1133
CHECK OUT!>> The Tyne Check out The Majestic River Tyne, slicing through Newcastle & Gateshead like a giant Anaconda Snake, Think b4 u blink C the Gynourmous Blinking Eye, Gatesheads impressive pivoting bridge, Jump with Joy @ the Baltic, a huowge redeveloped flour mill, "Chok a Block" full of Sculptures, Noise, Short Film, Art Restaurant & Panoramic Rooftop views Oh M8 Its breathtaking! Gasp with awe @ the Monstrous shimmering Armadillo state of the arts live music venue;) Get what you can and some, Im allright Jack! The Geordies are certainly Cracking open the expensive Champagne celebrating Creativity! Honestly if you have a stag/hen/divorce/or any old "Knees Up Mother Brown" nite Newcastle is the Spot, "Check It Out"! eMail:WhisperingSlim
The Quayside Cafe~great spot 4 Scooby Snack
Portofino Mosley St Breathtaking, Beaut Victorian tiled Italian Mafiosa styled Restaraunt This is the spot 2 take your HOT d8, Happy Hour 5~7pm 5 pounds/head V Impressive, the best 4 me;)
Barn Again @ The Biscuit Factory, STODDART STREET this BOOSTS the best restauraunt in the NE Heart Break Soup "Why eye man this will Knock ya Socks off" Nxt 2 river Big Mussel~Quayside~Delicous not just the waitresses but the great array of c food
CHEAKY BEERS>> Tekkin the dug fer a waak=off 4 a cheaky beer! Dart like a ferret down a rabbit hole, or glide like a parading Peackock in2 Newcastles "Bigg Market" full a pubs, clubs and fast food &Newcastle's finest eye candy! Revolution~Touch Base here a spectacular drinking space, 22ft ceilings, ornate marble pillars and original artwork +90 Vodkas Tuxedo Princess~a Huowge ship on the Tyne Free Entry on Fri & Sat Nites with Sticker, 1 pound Alcopops "Cheap As Chips", 5 Rooms with a great revolving dancefloor, dont step on anyones toes here! Foundation Gatecrasher of the North West, down on the quayside, You'll dance holes in your socks! World Hq~ Loop Swoop And Pull in Newcastles Hippest House Music Club till 3am Fri Sat 5 pounds entry Stereo~ Hibidydibidy galore, Tip~Top Quayside Spot dress 2 the 9's brush up on the chat~up lines & Silky dance~floor grooves! Chase~ underneath the arches, 4 the sophisticated nighthawks, fish~tanks & curvy blue leather window seats, real beltin ladies & model like men Strike @ 11pmish for away win! TJ,S 24/7 Italian Cafe Percy st,End of the road cafe, When every where else is shut & no~where else to go, the rowdiest entertainin spot coffee 1 pound they had a power cut here whilst i was there Sat nite 3am when the lights came back the till was gone!
SHOP>> Check Out Newcastles great Markets Fashinable Highbridge Street get yer decent togs @ Sensei, Maverick Replay & Traveller 4 music check out Traxx Record Shop, the Norths Easts dance Music Hot~Spot. Attica tucked in2 Old George Yard 2nd Hand Treasure~Trove ball gowns & Dinner Suits and cuff links, "He who dares wins Rodders"! SLEEP>> Youth Hostel~ 107 Jesmond Street Tyne & Wear £15/night Townhouse ideal for the ancient and modern attractions of Newcastle and Northumberland, great hospitality meet international peeps! Phone: Within UK 0870 770 5972 Email: newcastle@yha.org.uk GEORDIE SLANG>> G:Yas aalreet ye are~E:OK G:Its varnigh starvation oot there~E:Its Freezin G:I am not drunk~E: I am Drunk G:Tekkin the dug fer a waak~ E:I'm off to the pub for a pint of Newcastle Brown. G:Toon Army! Toon Army! E:I support Newcastle United Football Club. G:Broonalroond. E:Brown ales for my friends please landlord. G:Hows it gannin like? E:How are things with you? G: Howay doon to the boozah, pet. E: I'm going to the pub. G: Howahammerhowerheeyahinny? E: Please pass me the hammer, dear. G: Mindsheweelstacked! E: What a stunning figure that young lady has! eMail:WhisperingSlim Cheap British Airways International Courier Flights Tel: 0870 606 1133 a top tip 2 get v cheap flights 2 NYC and other great cities!